Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 8

Well things are coming to a close and I hope that everyone has had a good time. I'm still trying to post the pictures we took last weekend, but I'm having difficulty. I really appreciate the time that the girls have committed to Run Like a Girl and hope to see you all at the Mothers day run May 9.

Our last run is Wednesday, April 28 at 5:00pm. The nutritionist from the RHA will attend our meeting to give us some healthy tips.

If you have any questions about running in general, has a lot of good information as well as

Keep running girls, see you next spring!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 7-Mum Run

Another great run. I had a hectic day at school and looked forward to running and seeing the group. It's great to see so many parents participating. Hopefully it will be something you can do together for a long time to come.

Next week, the girls and I will run Monday at 4pm as usual. Wednesday at 5pm will be our last run and family is more than welcome to attend. Joanna Ledoux from the RHA will join us and provide some nutritional tips afterwards.

Just a reminder that the Dorian Simon Mothers Day Walk is May 9 at noon. The walk begins at Stittco. I think an event like this is a nice way to end the season. Hopefully the girls gained some fitness and confidence and always, always, RUN LIKE A GIRL!!

Until next time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week 7

Another great run. The girls are running longer every week. We ran the Queen Street loop today, it is a little shorter than our run last week, but it is more challenging. Lots of hills... the girls keep count.

Run Like a Girl will not be hosting a run on May 9, however, there is the Dorian Simon Mothers Day walk that day. The walk starts at Stittco, it is an out and back to the bottom of the stairs, about 2 miles in total. If the girls want, we can participate in this walk, but run it instead. All family members and friends are welcome to come out. You can pledge some money towards the organizers if you want.

We only have 3 more runs until the end of the session. Our last run after school will be April 28 with the final run May 8 at noon at Stittco.

Wednesday April 21 we will be having our Mum Run at McIsaac. We will meet in the lunch room at 5pm. The girls have chosen our short loop to run, but we will be running it twice, for a total distance of about 2 miles. There will be plenty of walking breaks. I hope to see lots of family and friends come out.

Until next time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 6

Great run today! We have been slowly slowly adding distance over the past couple of weeks, but today we doubled our small loop. The girls ran 3.2 km!! That is roughly 2 miles. We slowed things down and minimized the walking. One more loop and we'll be ready for the 5K on May 9th. They are running a lot longer now too. The girls ran from school all the way down to Kingsway, took a 100 metre walking break and ran all the way back to the corner before the school, then did it again. Great job!!

It looks like the mum run will be next Wednesday. There will be no run this Wednesday as there is no school in the afternoon. See you Monday.

Until next time.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 5

Good run today girls! It's tough getting back into the swing of things after being off for two weeks. We will be adding distance on a regular basis over the next couple of weeks to build towards 5k. The community run will be on May 9. I'm hoping to get a 5k course measured out sometime next week. The mum run will be rescheduled. Once I talk to the local nutritionist and confirm a date with her I will schedule the mum run. Other family and friends are welcome as well. The girls are enthusiastic about running and put out a 100% effort every time. I am enjoying the group. Hope to see you soon.

Until next time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 4

Tough week for running as the weather did not cooperate at all. The mom run has been postponed until sometime in April. Hopefully the weather will be better. I hope that everyone has a good spring break. I look forward to seeing everyone in April. Run like a girl!!

Until next time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week 3

Free speed!

The girls and I had a really good run Monday. It is easy to see their endurance increasing. Slowly we are decreasing walking time which increases running time. Changing the route every other run adds variation which makes the runs easier too. The girls ability all seems to be fairly similar. All are giving a really good effort to do what we ask them to do. Giving them little catch phrases here and there seems to be fun for them too. For every hill we run down we all say "free speed". Always run down a hill instead of walk, even if you're tired. They also like warm up "butt kicks".

After the run we talked a bit about healthy relationships with ourselves. They answered questions in their journals about their support systems at home, things that make them happy and things that scare them. Everybody participated even though they weren't required to. The word game that we do as soon as we finish the run is a popular activity. Most of the descriptive words about running now are about how good they feel and less about how exhausted they are.

I hope to see some family members out at our run next week. I think that it is important for girls to see their parents being active.

Until next time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Run Like a Girl

I think that girls have it tough in middle school. It is difficult for them to really know who they are and act authentically and appropriately. Running will hopefully give them some self confidence to make good safe life choices. We spend some time after the run discussing how we fuel during the run and when we are finished. The girls write on the board some words to describe it. They all like to take their turn writing. While we run they are also thinking of adjectives to describe the run itself.

The first week, only a small number of girls came out. The second week of running, the numbers doubled. With two high school girls to help and 10 runners, the group is quite dynamic. I lengthened the run on Monday, and it turned out to be a little too long. The second running day was much better. We had snacks that day too. Snacks was one of the drawing features of the group.
Until next week.